Submission Deadline: 30 August 2023

Working session and abstract submission topics:

  • Human infections, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment
  • Vaccine development
  • Host immune responses
  • Epidemiology and ecology
  • Bacteriology, taxonomy and omics
  • Pathogenesis, virulence and interactions with host cells

If you participated in the 2018 meeting (even as a co-author), your contact information should still be in the online abstract database. Please do not try to renew dues or register through the XCDSYSTEM, that is just for ABSTRACT SUBMISSION. 

If you have already created a profile in the XCDSystem, please login in below as a RETURNING USER. If you are completely new to the XCDSystem, please CREATE A PROFILE and then you will be able to submit abstracts. TULISOC members and the meeting registration have been moved to a new online system. To register, as well as join the society or renew your dues (to save $75 on academic/government registration), please click here. If you are a current or past member going back to 2018, you will be able to login using your member email address which was sent to all members and past members in January, 2023.

Submission Steps:

  1. The first step is to input the Title of the abstract in sentence case, (example: Towards a global phylogeography of Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica). Use TEXT ONLY, no special formatting except for italics where needed. Do not to include the authors or any additional information. Do not to include the authors or any additional information. Then type (or paste from Word), the Body of the Abstract (350 word limit), in sentence case, NOT to include the abstract title, authors, affiliations or contact information. 
  2. The next step is to add your Co-Authors (which should NOT be included in Step 1). Each Co-Author will also receive a confirmation email with your contact information, the title of the abstract and ID number and their login information. All Co-Authors have Read only access. Presenters have Read/Write access. To prevent duplicate contacts, please confirm the person you are trying to add is not already in the system. To use a new contact (or if the information found in the TULISOC database is incorrect), click “My Co-Author Isn’t Listed – Add A New Contact“. This system will ensure accurate indexing of all authors in the abstracts/proceedings book. You can go back to the Authors field at any time to change the order of the co-authors. If one of your co-authors is already in the database, but has changed their affiliation or email address, you will not be able to change their information. Please contact Joan Oefner to edit their information for you. Alternatively, if they have a new email address, you can Add A New Contact
  3. The third and final step is to review your submission and submit. All presenting authors must be registered for the meeting by 2 September. The online registration system is separate from this online abstract form: 

If you have any questions about abstract submissions, please contact the Conference Manager, Joan Oefner.

When you’ve finished the submission

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and selected by abstract review groups that include members of the Organizing Committee for oral or poster presentation. You will receive a confirmation email with your Abstract ID number after your abstract submission has been successfully submitted. You can view or edit your abstract by returning to your profile in the TULISOC Abstract Management system at any time before the submission deadline. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact Joan Oefner.

Important Information:

  • Abstract Body must be no longer than 350 words
  • Abstracts must be in English.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author, advisors may not submit an abstract for another person under their own login.

Contact the Meeting Organizer:

Rhema Association Management is the official meeting organizer to process memberships, registrations and abstract management. For more information, please contact: Joan Oefner, Conference Manager, E-mail: [email protected]

Announcing the Oral and Poster Sessions

Thanks to all who have submitted an abstract, notifications were sent out the week of July 3rd. Please click on the interactive online program below to view the sessions and presentations.

Continuing with this strong track record of success, the 10th International Conference on Tularemia will be held at the World Trade Center in Grenoble Alps, France, from 25-28 September, 2023. The conference will include a keynote address as well as six plenary sessions, poster previews (flash talks) and two poster sessions, with additional opportunities for networking during shared meals and social activities.

The program will be comprised of common plenary sessions and poster sessions, without any breakout or parallel sessions. Each plenary session will be chaired by and include invited speakers who are recognized leaders in the field. As a means to feature the most up-to-date and exciting unpublished science, most of the speakers will be selected based on the merits of submitted abstracts. This structure provides maximum presentation opportunities to trainees and early career investigators, and offers a supportive environment in which trainees and all attendees can build their knowledge, hone presentation skills and establish professional mentor/mentee relationships in the community.

The size is 1 m wide and 2.30 m high. Recommended display format A0 : 118 x 84.4 cm or 120 x 80 cm To display, we will provide velcro pads to fasten paper or cloth posters to the boards. Cloth posters do not work as well with these types of boards as we can not use tacks or pins to fasten the posters to the boards, just velcro.