Important Dates & Deadlines:
- February 2023 : Online Abstract Submission Opens
- February 2023: Online Registration Opens using new TULISOC online membership system, membership renewal and applications included on the registration form
- 15 May, 2023 : Abstract submission deadline EXTENDED UNTIL 23 MAY, 2023
- 10 June, 2023: Abstract evaluation and final conference program
- 15 June, 2023: Early-Bird Registration Deadline
- 15 July, 2023: All presenting authors must be registered by this date to confirm participation in the program
30 August, 2023: Late breaking abstract submission deadline (poster presentation only)
- 15 September, 2023: Late & Onsite Registration fees (online registration will be available through 25 September).
If you have already created a profile for TULISOC 2018 online membership, registration and abstract system, please login using the same email you used before as a RETURNING USER. If you are completely new to the TULISOC Abstract system, please CREATE A PROFILE and then you will be able to submit abstracts. TULISOC membership and the meeting registration have been moved to a new online system. To join the society or renew your dues (to save $75 on academic/government registration), and register for the meeting, please click on the My Account button. If you are a current or past member going back to 2018, you will be able to login using your member email address which will be sent to all members in February, 2023. The online abstract system ( is separate from the TULISOC new online membership system and online registration system.
Contact the Meeting Organizer: