The Society shall have standing Finance, Symposium, Publication, Scientific and Nomination committees. The addition or deletion of standing committees to the Society shall require approval by a vote of the Executive Council. Each Standing Committee will have a written charge, approved by Executive Council, and may receive other specific written charges from the President of the Society.

Membership and terms of office

Upon taking office the President shall, after considering recommendations from committee members and others, appoint the Chairperson of each Standing Committee. Each committee member shall serve a 3-year term. Once appointed, the Chairperson of any committee may invite additional non-voting ad hoc committee members. Reappointment to the same committee for additional terms is permitted.

Duties and responsibilities

Finance Committee

Karl Klose, UTSA, USA

This committee will be chaired by the Treasurer, and include the President and Secretary. The Finance Committee shall recommend annual membership dues and a budget for each three-year period to the Executive Council. A two-thirds vote shall be required for approval of the membership dues and budget (this vote can be carried out by e-mail or in person during a general meeting).

Symposium Committee


The Chair of this committee shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Council, a Symposium Committee consisting of broad geographical and scientific disciplinary representation. In addition to the Chair, the Symposium Committee shall include at least two other members. The Symposium Committee shall be responsible for organizational, programmatic and logistical functions for symposia, seminars and conferences. To carry out these responsibilities, the chair will designate, as needed, individuals from the Symposium Committee or otherwise to oversee such functions. The Committee will work closely with local representatives to plan any symposium. The Symposium Committee also shall recommend a site and a willing Symposium Chair for the next symposium.

Publication Committee

Roland Grunow
The Robert Koch-Institut is a Federal Institute within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin, Germany

The function of the Publication Committee is to promote the aims and image of the Society through oversight of all print and electronic publications of the Society. The Chair of this committee shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Council, a Publication Committee consisting of two additional members, including a Webmaster/Archivist.

The Publication Committee shall serve as the advisory body on management issues of Society publications, including but not limited to: contracts, format, frequency of publication, authorship and intellectual property rights. In addition, the Committee shall oversee the general editorial policy for Society publications.

The Publication Committee shall appoint the Editor(s)-in-Chief of the Society’s publications. The Editor(s)-in-Chief shall be responsible for the scientific content of the Society’s publications and shall appoint Editorial Boards following procedures and policies developed by the Publications Committee to promote diversity. The Editor(s)-in-Chief shall recommend, and the Publications Committee shall approve, all Associate Editors for the publications.

The Publications Committee shall also be tasked with the maintenance of the TULISOC web page. The Webmaster/Archivist shall construct and/or maintain the website of the Society and collect, archive, and convert to electronic media documents and records of historical and practical value to the Society. He/she shall be responsible for placing minutes of meetings, announcements, and other materials directed by the Executive Council on to the website and into permanent storage for future reference.

Scientific Committee

The Chair of this committee shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Council, a Scientific Committee consisting of broad geographical representation. In addition to the Chair, the Scientific Committee shall include at least two other members. Its function is to identify and facilitate collaborative work that encourages innovative objectives and/or promotes training, with particular emphasis on projects of a multidisciplinary nature. This committee will work with international and intergovernmental organizations on matters of interest to the Society. Finally, the Scientific Committee will be responsible for announcing funding and awards opportunities, and will review nominations/applications for Society awards and travel grants.

Nomination Committee

Mats Forsman
Swedish Defence Research Institute, Umea, Sweden

The Nomination Committee, in addition to its Chairperson, shall consist of two-three additional members. This committee has two specific tasks:

  1. In preparation for each regular election, the Nomination Committee appointed shall prepare a slate of candidates for the elective offices of Secretary (President-Elect) and Treasurer. The slate of nominees shall be determined – with proper diligence to ensure representation of diverse scientific and geographic areas – prior to the International Conference and announced at the business meeting at the Conference. Proposals for the slate of nominees may be submitted by members of the Society no later than thirty days before the Conference and shall be considered by the Nomination Committee in formulating the slate of candidates. The slate ordinarily shall have not fewer than two names for each vacancy, and may include the names of individuals who have previously held any elected office. The Nomination Committee shall ascertain in advance the willingness of nominees to serve if elected.
  2. The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and accepting or rejecting all applications for membership in the Society.

Temporary Committees

In order to carry out specific charges beyond the scope of the standing committees, temporary committees of the Society may be established and charged by the President during his/her tenure. In such cases the Executive Council may appoint members without any restrictions. Temporary committees report, in writing, to the President and subsequently to the Council. Temporary committees are dissolved upon completion of their charge or the term of the appointing President unless the next President specifically reappoints them.